Under the coordination of the K&I Conoscenza e Innovazione Srls research team, made up of Luciano d’Andrea, Alfonso Alfonsi, Federico Marta, and Paolo Signore, a study investigating different factors potentially affecting social acceptance of risk and threat analysis methodologies applied to international migration began last month.
The concept of social acceptance refers to a positive attitude towards the Risk and Threat analysis methodologies by the concerned social groups leading to supporting behaviours. Four main areas are investigated: the border control policies and practices; the protection of human rights in the management of migration; the role, benefits, and critical issues related to risk analysis methodologies; the social acceptance of the technologies used to support risk analysis, with special reference to those CRiTERIA is intended to develop.
The first months of activity were devoted to carrying out a literature review to identify the main problematic issues related to the use of Risk and Threat analysis methodologies. This step allowed developing of a provisional list of factors which could affect the social acceptance of the Risk and Threat analysis methodologies. Following the literature review, the team coordinating the task is conducting a series of interviews with representatives of the three main stakeholders concerned with the system, i.e., law enforcement agencies (LEA), local authorities and other public bodies, NGOs, and migrants’ associations.
A report presenting the results of the Social Acceptance analysis will be developed on completion of these three steps, with specific recommendations for the future management of the Risk and Threat analysis methodologies developed by CRiTERIA after the project lifespan.
The WP4: Legal and Ethical Compliance, and Societal Acceptance within the CRiTERIA project is led by the University of Groningen, which together with K&I Conoscenza e Innovazione Srls are the primary contributors. The work within WP4 is closely supported by ARSIS, University of Malta and the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board (EPBG). Click here to see the details of the CRiTERIA work packages.