Public Deliverables and Dissemination Material

Welcome to the CRiTERIA Project website’s Downloads section! 

Here you can find the project’s public deliverables, as well as selected dissemination material.

Contact us via this form in case you have any questions about the materials available for download. 

Dissemination Material

CRiTERIA Newsletter – Issue #3

Download the third issue of the CRiTERIA project newsletter (available as PDF).


D9.2: First Report on Communication and Dissemination

This deliverable presents the past and planned communication and dissemination activities of the CRiTERIA project. In addition, it offers evaluations of past actions in terms of key performance indicators (KPIs) and provides a summary of achieved results.


D9.1: Dissemination and Communication Plan

The deliverable introduces the project’s strategy with regards to dissemination and communication as well as positioning and identity creation. In essence, the dissemination and communication strategy proposed includes a definition of major goals, formats, channels and core activities to reach a well-defined group of target audiences which are formulated as border control authorities and agencies, governmental organizations, scientific and research community, public administration as well as EU policy makers, civil-society organizations and the general public.


D7.2: Platform and Dashboard: First Prototype Release

This document presents the first prototype release of the CRiTERIA platform together with the CRiTERIA Dashboard as its first of two main applications. During implementation of the platform with the use case partners, the need for two separate applications has emerged as ideal to cater for the information needs of the users: an exploration and discovery tool that is the dashboard; and a new Risk Assessment Tool that allows further interpretation and explaining of already identified risks and threats.


D7.1: System Architecture & Technology Roadmap

This document describes the architecture of the CRiTERIA system. The CRiTERIA system will support decision processes in risk analysis in the domain of migration, by incorporating a novel risk analysis methodology and intelligent multi‐modal information analysis technologies. The architecture presented in this document is the starting point for the development of the first prototype of the CRiTERIA system. The initial set of user requirements have influenced the decisions concerning the design of the architecture.


D6.1: Approaches for automated Explanation, Verification and Validation in Risk Analysis

This deliverable summarizes the explanation and validation approaches tailored to the needs of the target groups and risks analysis processes.


D5.1: First Release of Data Analysis Methods

This deliverable presents the first version of the developed methods for content collection and audiovisual analysis including methods for visual media analysis and annotation, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Natural Language Processing (NLP).


D4.2: Human Rights Implications Checklist

This document, a Human Rights Implications Checklist, was developed as part of Task 4.2 of the CRiTERIA project. The aim of the task was to carry out a broad human rights analysis of the potential effects from a human rights perspective of the technical tools and processes being built in the CRiTERIA project. Based on this broad analysis, a Human Rights Implications Checklist was developed with the intention for this to be used by the technical partners involved in WP5, 6 and 7. In practice, this checklist was drawn up together with the technical partners in an on-going dialogue.

A selection of fundamental rights was made based on a literature review of human rights implications of technologies used to strengthen border enforcement and manage migration and keeping in mind the nature of the tools being developed in the CRiTERIA project. The fundamental rights under review are the following:

  • the right to non-discrimination
  • the right to respect to private and family life
  • the right to freedom of expression
  • the right to freedom of assembly and Association
  • the right to data protection
  • the right to be given the basis of an automated decision taken against an individual
  • the right to a fair trial.


D4.1: Report of CRiTERIA Ethical Principles and Practices

The research of CRiTERIA is based on analyses of open-source data, especially from social media, to develop innovative and effective Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods in support of the approach for risk, vulnerability and threat analysis. The ultimate goal of the project is to create a novel, comprehensive as well as feasible and human-rights sensitive risk and vulnerability analysis framework that will assist border agencies in better understanding contemporary security threats connected but not restricted to migration and to predict and detect risks from both controlled and uncontrolled border crossings. This deliverable identifies and assesses any legal or ethical challenges that might arise during the project work.

Dissemination Material

CRiTERIA Newsletter – Issue #2

Special Issue: Technology

Download the second project newsletter (available as PDF). 

Dissemination Material

CRiTERIA Newsletter – Issue #1

Download the first project newsletter. Available as PDF.


Binaire Magazine

Cooperation between scientific institutions and commercial partners within the framework of national and international research projects such as CRiTERIA is an essential building block for innovation and market leadership.

This article focuses on a long-standing partnership between the two project partners L3S and HENSOLDT Analytics and the resulting market and science impact. (in German)

Dissemination Material

An A4 flyer with essential information about the CRiTERIA project.

Dissemination Material

An A0 poster with essential information about the CRiTERIA project.