CRiTERIA recently became the 15th member of the H2020 BES Cluster – H2020 Border External Security Cluster initiated and led by METICOS.
The H2020 BES Cluster consists of H2020 projects collaborating in order to support each other, identify solutions to upcoming challenges, secure effective dissemination and valuable exploitation potentials and at the same time generate knowledge that along with the developed solutions will change the current state in the areas and fields that the projects are working upon.
The initiator and coordinator of the BES Cluster is METICOS – A Platform for Monitoring and Prediction of Social Impact and Acceptability of Modern Border Control Technology.
The METICOS consortium has identified the need for “no gate crossing point solutions” in order ‘to allow for the seamless crossing of borders and security checks without the risk of invading people’s privacy, and gain the societal and political acceptance of these technologies, taking into account the human factor, the social and societal aspects, providing a secure environment for travel and for host countries.
Thus, METICOS project is developing a platform that integrates information systems and networks of data sources in order to validate the efficiency and users acceptance of border control technologies. The proposed platform will provide metrics and KPIs to authorities and decision-makers, based on a number of independent variables: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, physical privacy, accuracy, information privacy, ethical and societal perceptions, securing positive societal impact and maximising border control process efficiency.
The Benefits of BES Cluster Membership
- Exchange of information relevant to communication and dissemination and support with these kinds of activities
- Exchange of ideas on good practices and methodologies, exploration of possibilities and opportunities to combine pilot activities, as well as work together on future policy suggestions.
- Cooperation for a wider impact of the Sustainability/exploitation plans of the projects to find and propose effective measures for evidence-informed policy suggestions.
Other members of the cluster are:
- TRESSPASS (robusT Risk basEd Screening and alert System for PASSengers and luggage)
- MIRROR (Migration-Related Risks Caused by Misconceptions of Opportunities and Requirement)
- ITFLOWS (IT tolls and methods for managing migration flows)
- PERCEPTIONS (Understanding the Impact of Narratives and Perceptions of Europe on Migration and Providing Practices, Tools and Guides for Practitioners)
- PERSONA (Privacy, Ethical, Regulatory and SOcial “No-gate crossing point solution” Acceptance)
- EFFECTOR (End to end Interoperability Framework For MaritimE Situational Awareness at StrategiC and TacTical OpeRations)
- D4FLY (Detecting document Fraud and identity on the Fly)
- BORDER UAS (Border Unmanned Aerial System)
- iMars (image Manipulation Attack Resolving Solutions)
- ROBORDER (Autonomous swarm of heterogeneous RObots for BORDER surveillance)
- ISOLA (Innovative & Integrated Security System on Board Covering the Life Cycle of a Passenger Ships Voyage)
- NESTOR (aN Enhanced pre-frontier intelligence picture to Safeguard The EurOpean boRders)
- PROMENADE (ImPROved Maritime awarENess by means of AI and BD mEthods)